Green Dragon Books Statement Concerning Online Piracy
As the ebook marketplace continues to grow at an extraordinary rate, and as Green Dragon Books explores the many new and exciting opportunities presented by the digital world, at the forefront of our digital strategy is a firm commitment to battling piracy.
While we endeavor to detect and remove infringing posts, we encourage you to report any possible infringement in order to increase the likelihood of prompt takedown. To report an incident of infringement, click here and provide the information requested.
The proliferation of unauthorized sharing and downloading requires constant vigilance and an evolving understanding of the latest techniques being used to illegally distribute our works. Although we are in an ongoing battle against adversaries who employ increasingly sophisticated methods and are determined to operate outside the bounds of decency and law, authors, agents, publishers, booksellers and concerned citizens can make a difference in this fight. Our joint efforts are critical if we are to fully realize the many exciting opportunities for growth that we are afforded in the new era of digital publishing.
Thank you in advance for your help in fighting piracy.