Dr. Janet E. Rubin is a prominent fine arts scholar and educator specializing in performing arts, earning her Ph.D. from Ohio State. Dr. Rubin teaches Visual and Performing Arts, Humanities, and Speech at Eastern Florida State College. She has authored numerous books, articles, and grants to fund various research projects. Many of Dr. Rubin’s articles discuss how to implement drama into teaching methods about the subject.
Dr. Rubin does presentations all over the world and has taught in India and Australia. She has also done extensive research on the Holocaust. Dr. Janet Rubin formerly taught at Saginaw Valley State University in Michigan for 27 years. She has received many awards for research and teaching excellence, including the Barstow Humanities Seminar Directorship. Dr. Rubin also does international consulting on education and the performing arts. She spends her free time directing for the Surfside Playhouse in Cocoa Beach, oversees their youth theatre program, and is on their board.