Rave Reviews for Roy Dimond and The Singing Bowl

Order your copy of The Singing Bowl today. ”This epic story is an ultimate must-read in your life backpack! –… Continue reading Rave Reviews for Roy Dimond and The Singing Bowl

The Goal of Yoga—Enlightenment. A Guest Post from Author Ann Purcell

A Practitioner and Teacher of TM Reveals the Secret to Pure Consciousness

Let Your Soul Sing
Love comes in many forms.
Purest love appears in the formless;
Unquantified, it is an all-embracing,
Unbounded ocean of love.
Shapeless love bubbles and swirls
Into its divine ecstasy.
Impersonal, it unconditionally loves
Everyone and everything.
Unseen like the soft wind
It shines like the golden sun;
Soundless, it is the eternal music
Of your soul singing.

Meet a Few of Our New Authors!

Dr. Erin K. Leonard, the author of Emotional Terrorism, received her Ph.D. specializing in children and adolescents from the Institutes… Continue reading Meet a Few of Our New Authors!

The Singing Bowl Press Release

Under attack from Chinese Communists and forced to flee his homeland, a Tibetan monk is given a daunting task. He… Continue reading The Singing Bowl Press Release