Recovery: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community

It seems that nearly all information about drug addiction and alcoholism is bleak. While you may not struggle with substance… Continue reading Recovery: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community

Buddhism’s Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path

Ancient Eastern philosophies and religions focus on a path that leads to inner peace. Buddhism is a religion with 470… Continue reading Buddhism’s Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path

Exploring the Philosophy of Confucianism

Many people have heard of Confucius, and some call him by his name, Master Kung-Fu-Tze. He founded his ancient Eastern… Continue reading Exploring the Philosophy of Confucianism

What Does Wu Wei Mean?

Taoism uses “polar opposites,” like the Yin and the Yang (male and female) in its concepts. Many people recognize the… Continue reading What Does Wu Wei Mean?

Life Through the Lens of a Gardener

Some people have a natural green thumb or deep passion for gardening, while others don’t. Whether you plant flowers or… Continue reading Life Through the Lens of a Gardener

Harmony in Taoism

Harmony is a core belief in Taoism, and you may be wondering how to achieve it. The goal is to… Continue reading Harmony in Taoism

Letting Go

As you get older, cliché sayings make much more sense and are very accurate. When it comes to letting go,… Continue reading Letting Go

Go With the Flow

In life, you may have heard phrases similar to “go with the flow.” Two sayings that come to mind are,… Continue reading Go With the Flow

Practice Simplicity, Patience, and Compassion

A core belief in Taoism philosophy is to “practice simplicity, patience, and compassion.” It sounds easy but is much more… Continue reading Practice Simplicity, Patience, and Compassion

How Taoism Can Enrich Your Life

Taoism, sometimes called “Daoism,” is an ancient Chinese philosophy and a religion for some people.  Founded by Lao Tzu or… Continue reading How Taoism Can Enrich Your Life