The Lunar New Year has been celebrated in Eastern Asia for thousands of years. The holiday starts during the first… Continue reading Happy Lunar New Year 2022
The Lunar New Year has been celebrated in Eastern Asia for thousands of years. The holiday starts during the first… Continue reading Happy Lunar New Year 2022
Stumbling upon Green Dragon Books, you may wonder, “have I come across a fantasy genre publisher?” Despite dragons being mythical… Continue reading Behind the Green Dragon Name
The Thirteenth Century Persian poet, Rumi, said, “As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears.” I… Continue reading On Writing…. A Guest Post from Author Jane Foster
A 4/5 STAR RATING from Ryan Jordan for Reader’s Favorite The Transcendental Meditation Technique and The Journey of Enlightenment by… Continue reading Reader’s Favorite Book Review – The Transcendental Meditation Technique
Most people think of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique as an effective way to reduce stress. Hundreds of scientific research… Continue reading Transcendental Meditation: More Than a Stress Buster
Take 20 minutes twice a day for meditation to experience a state where you can simply just Be in stillness
Before we know it, Thanksgiving is over and we hit the winter solstice. Late dawn. Early sunset. Short day. Long… Continue reading Welcome Winter Solstice! Here’s everything you need to know…
Everyone has heaven within them in the pure silence of their Being, which can be easily and effortlessly accessed through… Continue reading Heaven — Now or Later?
“This book is a gift to everyone. It takes the reader on a journey to discover the extraordinary space within… Continue reading What do Readers Think About Transcendental Meditation?
Read about the newly released book, Sliding by award-winning author Jane Foster. “Engaging to the max. Continually amazed at the… Continue reading Priase for Jane Foster’s New Novel Sliding