Empowerment: Vitalizing Personal Energy

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Empowerment: Vitalizing Personal Energy

William G. Cunningham

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SKU: 9780893341534


Believe it or not, you can achieve harmony in life through balance. Empowerment: Vitalizing Personal Energy takes you on an exploration to find your authentic inner self. As you search within yourself, a little nurture helps you attain strong self-awareness that will empower you. Through the journey of self-discovery, you will achieve personal growth, freedom, and unwavering inner strength. Dr. Bill Cunningham notes that everyone has unique potential and pasts. However, you can get “unstuck” from any obstacles that hold you back!

Empowerment: Vitalizing Personal Energy helps you focus and look inside yourself to achieve the highest levels of growth. By letting inner energy flow, one can reach new spiritual, physical, and emotional heights. Dr. Cunningham shares plenty of ideas and techniques to cope with the challenges we face in life. Empowerment shows you how to tap into your inner strength and feel energized instead of exhausted.

When you love and accept your true self, you will feel a sense of joy and can move freely throughout the world. Most people blame being held back on external forces, but Empowerment: Vitalizing Personal Energy has you take a hard look at your inner self. Dr. Cunningham wrote this book for anyone feeling anxious or stuck in a relationship, job, or unhappy with life.

Editorial Reviews:

“For those interested in better understanding the mind and how it can be used in more creative and fulfilling ways, I recommend this book.” Dr. Charles T. Cayce, President, The Association for Research and Enlightenment

“This is a solid, practical, and extremely useful study of the nature and application of many forms of sensory intelligence. It can expect to have wide use in both classroom and corporation alike and will teach the individual how to engage the rich harvest of his or her own sensory splendor.” Dr. Jean Houston, Director, The Foundation for Mind Research

“I have read Empowerment with interest and find excellent material in it… great many therapeutic techniques that could prove quite helpful to a large number of readers.” Dr. Albert Ellis, Executive Director, Institute for Rational -Emotive Therapy

About the Author

Dr. William G. Cunningham received his Ph.D. from Duke University and has vast experience researching stress. He taught at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Old Dominion recognized him for his contributions by awarding him Eminent Scholar Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Educational Leadership and Counseling. Dr. Cunningham has written several books and many professional journal articles. He has held numerous workshops and training programs that help address stress, empowerment, and conflict management. Dr. Cunningham holds speaking engagements on education, human services, corporate leadership, and the military. Today, he lives in Virginia, enjoys his retirement, and spending time with family and friends.

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