The Tao of Gardening

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The Tao of Gardening: A Collection of Inspirations Based on Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching

Pamela Metz

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SKU: 9780893343460


Green thumbs can flip through this beautiful book that takes gardening and growth to a spiritual level. Unlike other books with only information on how to garden, the Tao of Gardening inspires readers. You can read this book for pleasure, meditation, or horticultural therapy purposes. Adapted from the classic Tao Te Ching by the ancient Chinese sage Lao Tzu, this book translates gardening into a period of personal growth.

Author Pamela Metz writes 81 simple and harmonious verses that show the spirituality in gardening and growth. The Tao of Gardening parallels nature, the universe, cycles of life, and water. The adaptation touches upon connections, balance, interrelationships, and letting go. Taoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy, espouses humble acceptance and being close to the land and its offerings.

The Tao of Gardening follows a journey through the facets of growth with gentle words. The Tao presents sensual harmony rather than acute descriptions or concepts. Applying Taoism to gardening, whether nurturing nature or your inner spirit, will focus you on both inner and outer spiritual aspects of the entire process. Gardeners plant, water, grow and reap in the beauty or harvest of what they sow. This book embraces gardening and looks at it from a holistic view.

About the Author

Pamela Metz lives in Denver, Colorado, where she served as Associate Professor Emeritus at the University of Denver and the associate dean of academic and student affairs for the Graduate School of Social Work. She holds degrees in education and social work from the Illinois State University, the University of Denver, and the University of Colorado. Pam’s 30-year teaching career spans university settings, public and private schools, and the innovative University Without Walls. She has worked as an elementary teacher, hospice social worker, and educational administrator. On all of her paths of life, the wisdom of the Tao has been her guide. She follows the principles of letting go, following natural cycles, and trusting the processes.

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eBook – Kindle, eBook – Apple, Paperback

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Green Dragon Books

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  1. David Peterson

    That is a wonderful feeling.
    I find my time in the garden. I checked this book out of the library, and I’m captivated by it. Simple truths, simple admonitions. No dogma, just frank observations on human nature and gardening. Each of us finds the Tao in different ways, but when we’re “there”…in the zone, experiencing “flow”…well, that is a wonderful feeling. I find my time in the garden the most rewarding of my temporal investments.

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