With an emphasis on active learning, these educational resources help teachers and parents engage students in the vibrant world of social studies and diversity. Children can learn about and gain a better understanding of world cultures and diversity. These educational tools from Green Dragon Books will assist in developing stronger literacy, critical thinking, and social skills. The learning guides have hands-on activities to implement language, social, and emotional developmental skills into the curriculum.
With Respect for Others: Activities for a Global Neighborhood by Cynthia M. Manthey teaches children to recognize and appreciate human and cultural differences. Even at an early age children can learn to respect others while appreciating their individuality. Manthey provides you with fun activities that will give children a broader worldview about other countries and cultures.
Peace in Any Language: Celebrating Our Diversity by Jeannine Perez With much division globally, getting along has become a top priority in today’s world. Use this book to help teach children about conflict resolution, cultural differences and similarities, and pride in their background and traditions. Includes activities, illustrations, and problem-solving games which teachers can use in all environments. The social studies and diversity educational materials have instructions for specific grade levels and can teach all children, including those with special needs.
Children can learn at an early age that diversity does not define them. Multi-cultural groups and unique distinctions make our world an even better place!
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