Early Childhood Activities

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Early Childhood Activities: A Treasury of Ideas from Worldwide Sources

Elaine Commins

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SKU: 9780893340667


Turning to worldwide educators, Elaine Commins created Early Childhood Activities for preschoolers. This activity book features over 700 child-tested and approved fun lessons. Various teaching systems across the globe brought the ideas to life in this resource guide. American students can learn the metric system, which is included in one of the sections.

Teachers and parents can engage children with this overflowing encyclopedia of interactive learning. Early Childhood Activities helps develop language and artistic skills along with musical and physical awareness. Other subjects include science and social studies, among many others. Preschoolers also learn basics early on, like money and weight. The activity book has over 250 pages of enjoyable exercises.

Early Childhood Activities lets kids be kids. Children will enjoy themselves as they dance, sing, and do art projects like cutting and pasting. Young children will be so busy having fun; that they won’t realize they are learning. Preschool teachers or parents who homeschool can use this activity book.

The Table of Contents featuring the childhood activities can be found on the product page. Click on the Resources and Downloads feature.

About the Author

Elaine Commins graduated from the University of Missouri School of Journalism and taught preschool for over 30 years. She is the author of numerous handbooks for teachers of early childhood education and was an accomplished artist. She profoundly impacted all the students she taught and the teachers she worked with. Commins’ educational guides are in wide use today.

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